About Us

ARWP 80's


ARWP Present


Allied Roofing and Waterproofing,  ARWP,  is a Santa Monica based roofing and waterproofing company with a yard in Long Beach. ARWP specializes in sophisticated applications for commercial and residential structures.  ARWP offers both traditional and green solutions for roofing projects.  In addition, ARWP sets the standard for innovative green waterproofing systems,  solar roof panels,  and daylighting.  ARWP serves the Los Angeles and the Greater Southern California areas. ARWP has more than 30 years of experience and expertise in all types of roofing, waterproofing, and sheet metal projects.  
Justin Ewart's, the President and owner, experience dates back to the age of ten where he has memories working with his father on a Kmart roof in Santa Clarita.  His job was to sweep the roof for ten dollars a day.  By thirteen years old he started working with his older brother during the summer months gaining experience with the commercial crews.  The filthy clothing was a sign of a hard days work. It was those early experiences that helped prepare him for the earthquake of 1994. In January of 1994, the Northridge earthquake caused massive destruction throughout northern Los Angeles County and the San Fernando Valley. With school closed and his fathers Ford work truck, Justin spent his days and weekends assisting his father with roofing work.   When high school was back in session, he worked in the office after school hours learning the business side of a construction company, giving him a strong foundation for the company he leads today.
In 2005,  ARWP expanded their roofing business to include waterproofing. The waterproofing division can satisfy most application ranging from below grade waterproofing site retaining walls, drainage, under slab, blind side and positive side applications, negative side waterproofing repairs, and coatings for planters, decks, parking structures.  This includes window glazing, wall expansion joints, and seismic structural joints. ARWP has undertaken many commercial waterproofing projects composed of the entire building envelope and has advanced in the trade of general construction overseeing all phases of construction involved in building repairs, renovation, and restoration. ARWP’s Justin Ewart is a third generation roofing and waterproofing contractor. Justin and the ARWP team look forward to working with you on your future project. Contact ARWP today!